Writ Petition Challenges Constitutionality of Gandaki Province Chief Minister's Vote of Confidence

Published 2024 May 08 Wednesday

Kathmandu: A writ petition has been submitted to the Supreme Court (SC), challenging the constitutional validity of the vote of confidence acquired by Khagaraj Adhikari, Chief Minister of Gandaki Province. The petition, filed by Surendra Raj Pandey, leader of the Nepali Congress parliamentary party in Gandaki Province and former Chief Minister, alleges that the confidence vote obtained by Chief Minister Adhikari was unconstitutional.

Bed Prasad Uprety, the spokesperson for the Supreme Court, has confirmed that the hearing for this writ has been scheduled for May 9. The petition contends that the vote of confidence was secured through improper vote counting methods in the Provincial Assembly.

According to the writ, Chief Minister Adhikari received 30 out of 60 votes in the Provincial Assembly. However, it is highlighted that a minimum of 31 votes is required to attain a majority in the Provincial Assembly, as stated in the document submitted to the court.
